James 4:11-5:20
September 9-15
Dr. Nienhuis divides up these concluding verses of the book of James into two main sections
- James 4:11-5:6 ... Wisdom from Below
- James 5:7-18 ... Wisdom from Above
Wisdom from below is "the way things are," ways of living and relating to others that God wants to see changed. Wisdom from above is God's suggestion for how we should live.
Wisdom from Below - What God Wants You to Avoid
There are three examples given of wisdom from below. Perhaps you'll recognize these in your own experience:
Slander (4:11-12)
In this life, you will run across people who think it's okay to slander others. Slander may not be a word we use all the time, but it happens every day. We slander others when we say anything false or not-yet-proven about another person. A person has been slandered when their reputation has been injured.
- How does slander happen in the circles you run in?
- Think about your conversations with others during the day - what percentage of time is given to talking about other people?
- How does this happen in Christian circles?
- What are some strategies you can use to apply James 4:11?
- How might you hold one another accountable?
Arrogant Plans (4:13-17)
In this life, you will run across people who make arrogant plans as if they were in control of everything. This section describes someone who is self-confident to a fault. They are planning to go on a business trip to make a lot of money. The problem is that there are limits to their control over what will happen in the future...even the near future of tomorrow.
- Do you know people who are sure they have everything figured out and therefore don't have any need for God or the church?
- How are you tempted to have this outlook?
- What things in life remind you that you're not in control of everything?
- What difference does it make to add the phrase "if it's the Lord's will" to your personal and professional plans?
- Read verse 17. What do you think of the concept of sins of omission? What is a recent example from your life?
Rich People Who Deal Unfairly with Those Who Work for Them (5:1-6)
In this life, you will run across wealthy people who don't care about the people who work for them. One of the reasons why low-wage workers get paid so little is that the money that could be used to pay them more is used for some other purpose before it gets to them. Sure, businesses need to be developed and maintained, and investing profits in the business continues to provide job opportunities. But profits are also diverted into the bank accounts, homes, cars, retirement plans, and vacation property of those at the top of the chain of command.
- Based on what you read in the first 6 verses of chapter 5, what do you think James would say to business owners and others in highly-paid positions?
- At this stage in your life, are you more like one of the wealthy James is describing or more like one of the workers?
- Have you ever been a "grunt" worker at the bottom of the chain of command? How did you want to be treated?
- Do you know of any major businesses that make it a point to "take care of" their workers? Why do you think they do this? What sacrifices might be made by whom in order to make this possible?
Wisdom from Above...God's Prescription for Living
Patience in Suffering (James 5:7-12)
Life isn't easy, but God gives us the strength to be patient in the midst of difficulties. We are encouraged to be patient and stand firm. And, in keeping with the major theme of "the tongue/words we say" in James, we are told not to grumble.
- When the going gets tough, what are you tempted to grumble about?
- What can you substitute for grumbling that will help you be patient and stand firm as you wait for God?
The Power of Prayer (James 5:13-20)
Life is full of troubles, but God calls His people to meet these needs with powerful prayers. Sometimes we need reminding that prayer works. This section is mostly about praying for people who are in trouble - including sickness and being sick with sin. We are given specific instruction and an important reminder: "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
- How is praying for someone and loving them similar? different?
- When you see someone who is troubled, what about telling them you'd like to pray for them. What would keep you from doing this? What might strengthen you to be prepared to pray?
- Explore how you and/or your group might be able to make this happen:
19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
Next up...Psalms!
Pastor Kurt
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