Monday, November 9, 2015

Divine Destiny: David is anointed king - 1 Samuel 31 thru 2 Samuel 4

Josa Jr. Parkour #02

Leap Over a Wall
Inspired by the Life of David

NCPC Family Scripture Focus, Fall 2015

Four Ways to Leap!

  1. READ THE BIBLE STORY - Regular Bible Readings in 1 & 2 Samuel 
  2. DIG DEEPER WITH A BIBLE SCHOLAR - Lectio Scripture Commentary from Dr. Sara Koenig, Seattle Pacific University
  3. REFLECT &/or DISCUSS WITH OTHERS - Focused Reflection Guide for Groups & Individuals from Pastor Kurt Helmcke...on this blog site (see below)
  4. READ A BOOK WITH PASTOR KURT & OTHERS - Leap Over a Wall: Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians by Eugene Peterson

Scripture Reading
Pastor Kurt’s Weekly Focus
Leap Over a Wall book chapters
This Week (7):
November 9
1 Samuel 31 -
2 Samuel 4
David is anointed king
Divine Destiny
2 Sam 1:17-2:7
Chs. 11-12
Next Week (8):
November 16
2 Samuel 5-6
Jerusalem becomes a powerful place
Dancing Undignified
2 Sam 5:1-7; 6:12-23
Chs. 13-14

Divine Destiny - 2 Samuel 1:17 - 2:7
Click Here for the "DIVINE DESTINY" Discussion Guide PDF - 2 Sam 1
David is anointed king after Saul & Jonathan die in battle 

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