Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Prelude to David - 1 Samuel 1-15

Josa Jr - Flickr
Josa Junior - "Parkour #02"-

Leap Over a Wall
Inspired by the Life of David

NCPC Family Scripture Focus, Fall 2015

Four Ways to Leap!
  • Regular Bible Readings in 1 & 2 Samuel
  • Lectio Scripture Commentary from Dr. Sara Koenig, Seattle Pacific University
  • Focused Reflection Guide (for Groups & Individuals) from Pastor Kurt Helmcke...on this blog site
  • Book Reading...Leap Over a Wall: Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians by Eugene Peterson

Comprehensive Calendar

Scripture Reading
Pastor Kurt’s Weekly Focus
Leap Over a Wall book chapters
Week 1:
September 28
1 Samuel 1:1-2:10
Hannah’s story & the birth of Samuel
Cry of the Heart
1 Sam 1:9-22
Ch. 1
Week 2:
October 5
1 Samuel 2:11-7:17
Speak, Lord: The call of Samuel
God Calling
1 Sam 3:1-18
Week 3:
October 12
1 Samuel 8-15
Saul anointed and made king
Power Hungry
1 Sam 8:4-9:2

A Simple Outline of 1 & 2 Samuel
(from Walter Brueggemann’s Interpretation Bible Commentary)

The Rise of Samuel             1 Sam 1-7
The Rule of Saul                 1 Sam 8-15
The Rise of David                1 Sam 16 – 2 Sam 5
The Reign of David              2 Sam 5-8
The Family of David             2 Sam 9-20
Memories of David               2 Sam 21-24

Reading About People Who Pray This week’s focus incorporates everything that happens in 1 Samuel before the entrance of David into the story.  That's 15 chapters - a lot of material to cover!  We're going to simplify down to three main stories revolving around three major characters: Hannah, Samuel, & Saul.  One theme each of these stories have in common is PRAYER.  It makes sense, since the main character in the Bible is God (easy to forget that, isn't it).  The narrative of 1 & 2 Samuel revolves around the relationship between God (in 1 &2 Samuel referred to as “the Lord, the God of Israel") and people who are a part of God’s chosen family, Israel.

1 Samuel 1-15 ... The Rise of Samuel and Rule of Saul
Key characters:

  • Eli - an aging priest serving at the house of the Lord in Shiloh
  • Hannah - a barren woman who longs for a child
  • Samuel - the answer to Hannah's prayer, offered to a life in the Lord's service, becomes a great prophet
  • Saul - the first human king of the Israelites (before this, judges ruled under the Lord as king...see the biblical book of Judges)

I've chosen to focus on three particular stories, each corresponding to the weekly readings in the first three weeks of our schedule.  For each of these stories, the Reflection Guide offers a summary of the action followed by some questions for reflection and discussion, ending with a suggested prayer exercise.

A Cry of the Heart: Hannah’s Prayer
1 Samuel 1:9-22
Scene 1 of 3 setting up the David story
Click Here for Hannah Reflection Guide

God Calls, Samuel Responds
1 Samuel 3:1-18
Scene 2 of 3 setting up the David story

Power Hungry: The People Opt for King Saul
1 Samuel 8:4—9:2
Scene 3 of 3 setting up the David story

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Kurt


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