Monday, October 19, 2015

David Enters the Story - 1 Samuel 16-17

Josa Jr. Parkour #02
Leap Over a Wall
Inspired by the Life of David

NCPC Family Scripture Focus, Fall 2015

Four Ways to Leap!
READ THE BIBLE STORY - Regular Bible Readings in 1 & 2 Samuel 

DIG DEEPER WITH A BIBLE SCHOLAR - Lectio Scripture Commentary from Dr. Sara Koenig, Seattle Pacific University

REFLECT &/or DISCUSS WITH OTHERS - Focused Reflection Guide for Groups & Individuals from Pastor Kurt Helmcke...on this blog site (see below)

READ A BOOK WITH PASTOR KURT & OTHERS - Leap Over a Wall: Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians by Eugene Peterson

Comprehensive Calendar
Scripture Reading
Pastor Kurt’s Weekly Focus
Leap Over a Wall book chapters
Week 4:
October 19
1 Samuel 16-17
David chosen for a courageous calling
Facing Giants
1 Sam 16:6-13 & 17:31-49
Chs. 1-4
Week 5:
October 26
1 Samuel 18-20
David & Jonathan’s friendship
1 Sam 18:1-9
Ch. 5
Week 6:
November 2
1 Samuel 21-30
Saul vs. David
Choosing Mercy
1 Sam 24:1-22
Chs. 6-10

Introduction to 1 Samuel 16-17: David Enters the Story.  
Chapters 16 & 17 are only two chapters in a big book (the Bible), but they're packed full of information and get a running start at telling the story of David. It all begins in chapter 16.  Nearly overlooked as the youngest of Jesse's 8 sons, the prophet Samuel anoints David as the future King.  Almost immediately, the text begins to move David toward his date with destiny - facing the giant Goliath in the Valley of Elah.  By the end of chapter 17, Goliath lies dead, slain by David's slingshot.  In the process David has met King Saul, which sets up the drama that would characterize his life for quite some time (and 14 chapters of biblical story): living on the run, fleeing the murderous intent of a king jealous of his growing popularity.

Key Characters
Samuel - God's prophet, called to speak the Lord's word among the people
Saul - King of Israel (God's people), his actions have revealed him to be unfaithful and of low character
Jesse - A man with eight sons living in the town of Bethlehem
David - Jesse's youngest son, given shepherd duty that has given him experience fighting off wild animals
Goliath - a champion (top soldier) for the army of the Philistines, enemies of Israel. He is physically imposing - considered a giant - and has the entire Israelite army paralyzed in fear.

Discussion/Reflection Guide
Facing Giants: Hope For Underdogs
Click here for the Facing Giants discussion/reflection guide PDF
Two scenes introducing David

1 Samuel 16:6-13 God Chooses David
“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7b
1 Samuel 17:31-49 David Faces a Giant
David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel.”
1 Samuel 17:45

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