Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 1 - Applying Romans 12:9-10

Save or copy this image, then print as a reminder ... or set it as your desktop background

July 21-28

Romans 12:9-10

9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.                                               

Take the Romans 12 Challenge!
  • Memorize the weekly verse(s)
  • Print the picture as a reminder card/bookmark/poster
  • Every time you see the "12" of the Seahawks' 12th man flag, think about applying these thoughts to your life.
  • Post a comment to this blog to share how God is transforming you for good.

Think about it

Love must be sincere.  In Greek, "sincere" is literally “without hypocrisy.” Hypocrite is the word for stage actor in Greek drama, in which actors switch between different roles, each with a different mask.  Loving others isn’t just for show; more than a role we’re playing, it demands authenticity. Take the mask off and be real.

Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.  The harshest word for evil in Greek is used here, the only occurrence in Romans.  The sense of “cling” is a connection so firm you’re glued to it, the same word used to define the one-ness of husband and wife in Matthew 19:5 & Ephesians 5:31.  Good is associated with God’s will in verse 2 of Romans 12.

Be devoted to one another in love.  In Greek, both Philadelphia (brotherly love) and philostorgos (devotion, of parent for children) are used here.

Honor one another above yourselves.  To honor means to give respect; compare this thought to Philippians 2:3.

Pray about it

Lord, help me to sincerely love the people in my life, devoting myself to their well-being.  In my actions give me the strength to cling to what is good, avoiding evil.  Embraced by your grace, make me eager to honor others as your good creation.

Apply it

Paul encourages us to love one another with familial love.  What better place to start applying Romans 12 to life than our family relationships.  Take a survey of your family relationships, and identify how you’re doing in loving them with Christ-like love.  Then apply some love where it’s needed.  Know that God's Holy Spirit will be with you providing you with the love you need!

This is a black & white version for single-color printing

Post your comments below...share your experience of transformation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to be continually aware of the words and tone I use with my family. Are my communications caring, edifying and loving? Are they hurtful, wall building or cause feelings of not being appreciated? As we have members of our family entering the teen years, this is ever important in keeping the door open to loving each other without hypocrisy. When I am caught in a moment of weakness, I also need to remember to go to that person and acknowledge my shortcomings. Asking for forgiveness is another way for us to actively love.