Step 2 - Giving
It’s all about giving:
As we give up an inflated self, and
Gauge what God has graciously given, and
Give generously our God-given gifts,
We experience transformation for good.
As we apply Romans 12:3-8 to our lives, we'll be...
1. Downshifting our focus on ourselves so that we can appreciate the needs and gifts of others.
From verse 3:
“Do not think of yourself more highly” = hyperphronein (superiority complex, conceited, arrogant…thinking yourself better).
"But think of yourself with sober judgment” = sophronien (reasonable, sensible, of sound mind; not thinking too lowly or highly, but a balanced assessment of strengths & weaknesses).
- What's your experience of hyperphronien (thinking too highly of yourself)? What thoughts, worries, or circumstances tempt you to pump air into an over-inflated ego?
- How might you practice more sophronein (sober thinking about self)? How might appreciating others' gifts help you to do this?
2. Accelerating into giving to others the gift God has given us through His grace.
("Give some gas to your gift")
The Seven Gifts:
- Prophesying (offering guidance from God's word for the church in particular circumstances)
- Serving (diakonia, from which we get the word "Deacon," literally meaning "to wait on tables")
- Teaching (deepens others' knowledge of the faith)
- Encouraging (exhortation, literally someone who comes alongside someone to help them)
- Giving (think comprehensive: time, talent, treasure)
- Leading (governing, doing what is best for the community, its preservation and advancement)
- Showing mercy (compassionate, helpfully responding to needs, hurts, suffering)
Of the 7 gifts listed in verses 6-8, which do you think might be your top 2?
Grace (charis) and gifts (charisma) are linked linguistically in Greek. God's gifts are practical expressions of God's grace...others encounter God's grace through our generous giving of the gift God has given us to give.
How might you put your gift into practice in your family or church/work group? What is the difference between expressing your gift grace-fully and expressing it grace-lessly?
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