April 1-7
Witness Begins
Pentecost and Peter’s Preaching
I highly recommend that you read or listen to Dr. Jack
Levison's commentary by following this link:
Be sure to spend some time with the Questions for Further
Reflection at the bottom of the commentary.
You'll find new questions there each week.
Highlights...by Pastor Kurt
The Day of Pentecost & the Giving of the Holy Spirit
2:1-13 “When the day of Pentecost came…suddenly from
heaven there came a sound…tongues as of fire appeared among them…all of them
were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the
Spirit gave them ability.” (v. 2-4)What the apostles were waiting for came suddenly, according to God’s timing. It just so happened that Jews from all over the known world were there to witness it. Seeds of expansion are planted from the very beginning.
What is your experience of the Holy Spirit? How do you interpret the concept of “speaking in tongues,” both historically and currently? Most of us know what it’s like to wait for God to do something: Does the giving of the Holy Spirit have any lessons to teach us on waiting for God to act on his promises?
The First Sermon in the History of the Church
2:14-36 “Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his
voice and said to them, ‘Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this
be known to you…’” (v. 14)Notice how Peter explains what is happening by quoting Old Testament prophecy. It reminds me of Handel’s Messiah, which tells the story of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus mostly using Old Testament texts.
- Giving of the Holy Spirit – Joel 2:28-32 [Pay special attention to Dr. Levison’s commentary on this point]
- Jesus of Nazareth Crucified – Psalm 16:8-11
- Jesus Resurrected and Ascended – Psalm 16:10 & Psalm 110:1
How important is it to know scripture well – For personal
faith? For evangelistic outreach? Have you ever been called upon to publicly witness
to God’s work by sharing words from the Bible?
What was that experience like for you?
The First Converts & Their Life Together with the
2:37-47 “So those who welcomed his message were baptized,
and that day about three thousand persons were added. They devoted themselves to
the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers…”
(v. 41-42)
Peter’s answer to the question “What should we do?” that people asked in
response to the preaching of Jesus crucified and risen has provided the church
with the basic action required for a person to become a Christian: “Repent and
be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven and
you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Not a lot has changed since then!
The description of their life together continues themes that we saw in Luke’s
gospel, especially the importance of table fellowship and sharing material possessions
to meet one another’s needs.
Recall your
story of repenting and being baptized. If
you have this story, rejoice in it! If
not, consider your response to the points Peter is preaching…might this be the
time to repent and be baptized? How is
your experience of Christian community similar to this description in verses 42-47? How is it different?
In the Spirit,
Pastor Kurt
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