Thursday, March 28, 2013

Reading the Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 1

ACTS, Chapter 1
March 25-31
On the Journey

I highly recommend that you read or listen to Dr. Jack Levison's commentary by following this link:

Be sure to spend some time with the Questions for Further Reflection at the bottom of the commentary.  You'll find new questions there each week.

________________________ Pastor Kurt

1:1 "In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did..."
Compare this to Luke 1:1-4.  It is primarily from the opening dedication of both books that scholars have concluded that Luke wrote both volumes.  The final chapter of Luke and the first chapter of Acts share some of the same's worthy of comparison.
Suggestion: Throughout Acts, be on the lookout for connections to the story of Jesus in the gospel of Luke.

1:4-5 The promise of the Holy Spirit...
Realized in Acts 2, powerfully enacted throughout the rest of the book...and throughout the history of the church.
What's your experience of the Holy Spirit?

1:8  One of the major verses on mission in all of scripture
"You will be my witnesses."  Acts documents the expansion of the witness to Jesus in the early church from Jerusalem, to Judea/Samaria, and to the end of the known world.
How have you been a witness for Jesus?  Whose witness led you to know and follow Jesus?  How might Jesus be calling you to give witness to him in your interactions with others?

1:9-11 Jesus' ascension into heaven
Answering the question: "where is Jesus right now?"  Yes, Jesus is spiritually present through the Holy Spirit, but the bodily resurrected Jesus is in heaven with God the Father ("at the right hand of" as the Creed says).  It is the bodily resurrected Jesus who ascended that we expect to return to earth one day to bring the fullness of God's eternal kingdom.  I've encountered a few contemporary theologians who say that the Ascension is perhaps the most under-appreciated doctrine of the church.
Why might the ascension be thought of as important?  How important is it to you personally?

1:12-26 Matthias chosen to replace Judas
Judas the betrayer is dead; now there are eleven (note the contrasting versions of the death of Judas in Acts 1:18 and Matthew 27:3-5).  Notice that the replacement needed to be someone who had been with Jesus and the original 12 throughout his earthly ministry.  He needed to be a witness to the full ministry of Jesus.  Two qualifying candidates were nominated, and they "cast lots" to make the final decision.
Are you in a time of your life where you're needing to choose between a variety of good options?  Consider customizing and praying the prayer the apostles prayed in verse 24: "Lord, you know (everyone's) heart. Show us what you have chosen."  What do you think of the "game of chance" in verse 26?  What does it show about the apostles' faith?

Next up...Acts 2 [April 1-7]

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