Monday, October 1, 2012

Reading Notes - Week 2 - Autumn 2012

Week 2: October 1-7

Isaiah, chapters 1-4

Breaking it down...into four daily readings:
  • Isaiah 1
  • Isaiah 2
  • Isaiah 3
  • Isaiah 4

What to look for

Isaiah is about a city.
  • "Besides God, who or what is the central focus of the book of Isaiah? Is it Isaiah the prophet? Is it the Messiah? Is it the Servant? Nope.... So who or what is the central character in the book of Isaiah? Jerusalem. Also known as Zion. The book of Isaiah is about a city." (Dr. Bo Lim)
Notice the contrast between corrupt Jerusalem and the future glory of Zion.  What sins of the people are corrupting Jerusalem?  How will this be different in God's future?

In Dr. Lim's commentary this week, be sure to read about the "Real Housewives of Zion."  Vivid illustration!

Personal conviction of sin - the call to repentence is so strong in these first few chapters.  Allow yourself to be called into some honest prayer.

Looking back

Isn't it amazing to think about how important Isaiah was to Jesus and the New Testament writers?  This gives me fresh motivation to read it.

Favorite line from Dr. Lim:

  • A friend of mine once wrote the following comment on Facebook explaining why students ought to take his course on Romans: “It’s just the most important book in the Bible!” I commented in half-jest, “I didn’t know you were teaching a course on Isaiah!”

Add your comments to this blog post.  One person posted a comment to last week's post.  Read the comment by clicking "comments."  Let's at least quadruple that this week!

Listen to the podcast. If you've never listened to the podcast audio recording of the bible commentary, give it a try.

Dr. Bo Lim will come to North Creek on Sunday, October 21!
More info here 

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