Monday, May 1, 2017

Daniel 2 - God's Kingdom Rocks the World

Daniel 2

But there is a God… who reveals mysteries…” Daniel 2:28

49 Verses in this epic story!

I. Nebuchadnezzar and His Dream (2:1-13)
An unreasonable demand - how can the dream be interpreted if the King doesn't share it?

II. Daniel and His God (2:14-23)
Notice the references to God and practices of devotion to God

  • Daniel’s Fellowship of Prayer 
  • Daniel’s Hymn of Praise 
  • Daniel’s Ability … and Its Source

 “Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.” Daniel 2:19

III. The Dream is Interpreted to Reveal God's Kingdom (2:24-45)

  • The Power of the Fourth Kingdom 
  • The Fall of the Statue 
  • The Arrival of the Rock

Daniel is a human reminder of God's presence and power in relation to human kingdoms: his Aramaic name means “God is my judge.”  God judges all of creation.

Learning the Lesson:
Earthly kingdoms come and go, but God's kingdom endures forever.

God’s In-breaking Kingdom "Rocks" the World
Suggestions from Christopher J.H. Wright...

  • It comes from the outside
  • It is established in the earth
  • It is the work of God
  • It will grow and spread 

1.       What story (or whose story) are we living in?  Give examples of the tension between God's story and the world's story as you experience it.

2.       What “companion practices” of seeking God’s mercy do you engage in?

3.       What hymns, songs, or prayers remind you of God’s greater story?

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