Monday, June 13, 2016

To Follow Jesus is to Love Like Jesus - Hebrews 13:1-8

Running the Race, Following in Faith

Spring Disciple Formation Focus

Weekly Reading Schedule - Click Here

SPU Professor Dr. Rob Wall's online commentary -

To Follow Jesus is to Love Live Jesus
Hebrews 13:1-8

Hebrews 13 contains some pretty powerful - and quotable - verses of scripture.  In the first six verses, the preacher lays out a series of exhortations that are engaging ... and challenging!  We could fill an entire blog post discussing just one of them, but here they are in rapid-fire sequence:
  • Love one another as brothers & sisters (verse 1, literally - practice "philadelphia" > love of brothers/sisters)
  • Show hospitality to strangers (verse 2, literally - practice "philoxenia" > love of strangers/foreigners).  Remember all the talk of angels in the first chapter? How do you know the stranger you show love to isn't an angel in disguise?
  • Remember those in prison - as if you were incarcerated with them
  • Remember those who suffer mistreatment - as if you suffered with them
  • Honor marriage by being sexually pure
  • Keep your lives free from the love of money - be content with what you have (after all, God is there to help you out - He'll never leave you or forsake you...He'll take care of you)
One of the unifying elements of this list is that is captures the core of Old Testament Hebrew faith.  In particular, showing hospitality to strangers/aliens (the Hebrew word "ger") and honoring marriage by avoiding adultery are foundational moral principles found in the torah.  In following these principles, Christ-followers will be honoring the Hebrew tradition of faith.

For the Christ-follower, the most enduring aspect of the Old Covenant is the law of love and its many corollariesGracious love is the hallmark of Jesus, proclaimed throughout the New Testament.  The loving example of people of faith and the enduring divine love of Jesus Christ are what we should focus on:

Hebrews 13:7-8
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Jesus Christ,
our High Priest and trailblazer on the path to God's future,
the one who encourages us in faithfulness
and who by his great love inspires us to live the same way,
is the same

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