Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hebrews 8-9: The Main Point - Jesus the Active & Effective Savior

Running the Race, Following in Faith

Spring Disciple Formation Focus

Weekly Reading Schedule - Click Here

SPU Professor Dr. Rob Wall's online commentary - www.spu.edu/lectio

Hebrews 8-9 ... The Main Point
As Our High Priest, Jesus Helps Us Along the Way of Salvation

Think about it.  How many times do you open up the Bible and find the phrase "this is the main point?"  In the middle of a complex message, there's a moment of clarity that calls us to pay attention.

Hebrews 8:1-2

"Now the main point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being."

The main point of Hebrews is (drum roll, please....): 

What we need for salvation and the life of faith is fully provided for by a person who right now operates in heaven for our benefit on earth.  This person's role is described as "High Priest."  And this person is Jesus.

Jesus, also referred to in these chapters by the title "Christ," brings us good things; primarily, eternal redemption.  What does this amount to?  Freedom from sin so we might be freed for serving the living God (now and into eternity).  In Hebrews 9:11-15, follow the logic of Jesus' high priesthood and the good things that flow from him to us:

Hebrews 9:11-15 (paraphrased...)

  • Verse 11 - Christ is high priest, the mediator & provider of good things.  Because we have Christ, we already have all the good…and this good has an eternal dimension.
  • Verse 12 – Christ had to satisfy a prerequisite in order to serve in this role.  He entered the place where he’s doing this good work by offering his blood as a sacrifice once for all.  His sacrifice (his death on a cross) obtains for us redemption with an eternal dimension.
  • Verse 13 – The Old Testament sacrifice system was all about making people outwardly clean.
  • Verse 14 – Christ’s sacrifice does MORE than this.  His “sinless” blood was offered through the Spirit (who is eternal) and it cleans us in a much deeper way.  Our inner consciences are cleansed from acts that lead to death, so that we might be freed up for life in service to the living God.
  • Verse 15 – This freeing-from-sin and freeing-for-service sacrifice is what makes Christ the mediator of a new covenant, in which those who are called receive the promised eternal inheritance from God.

Consider these two quotes from Rob Wall in his Lectio commentary as you think about what Jesus has done, is doing, and how it benefits us:
  • "One of the most essential lessons learned from Hebrews is that the central character in Scripture’s narrative of salvation is not some earthly religious institution, but the majestic Son, whose service of heavenly worship orders the way of salvation (cf. Hebrews 8:2)" 
  • "(The Preacher’s) 'word of exhortation' addresses a redeemed people who now encounter the spiritual tests and daily suffering of their present wilderness, which they must faithfully endure on the way to the Promised Land. The 'main point' of Hebrews is that we have an activist high priest, the majestic Son of God, who offers us heaven’s effective help along the way."

Jesus is operating right now as our eternal high priest, bringing us the benefits of the salvation that he obtained by his sacrifice on the cross.  

From his place in the eternal heavens, by the Spirit, he actively offers us "heaven's effective help along the way" of our journey of faith.  Jesus is the one who leads us on the way of salvation.

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