Monday, August 4, 2014

Romans 12 Challenge - Week 3 - Verse 13

August 4-10

Romans 12:13

13 Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.     

Take the Romans 12 Challenge!
  • Memorize the weekly verse(s)
  • Pray the prayer every morning/evening
  • Print the reminder card, post it somewhere visible, take it with you
  • Every time you see the "12" of the Seahawks' 12th man flag, think about applying these thoughts to your life.
  • Post a comment to this blog to share how God is transforming you for good!

copy, print as reminder card - color

copy, print as reminder card - black & white
Think about it

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. “Share” in Greek is related to koinonia, the word used to describe fellowship in the church.  Sharing what you have with others in the church is the defining character of Christian community.  This includes other members of your local church, but also in the global church, where the majority of the world’s Christians are materially poor.

Practice Hospitality. The Greek word for hospitality, philoxenia, literally means “love/kindness to strangers.” In biblical times home-based hospitality was relied upon by travelers, including Christian missionaries like the Apostle Paul.  To practice it means to pursue it, make it a leading priority.
Pray about it

Lord, show me what I have to share with others that will meet their needs – time, attention, use of possessions, money.  And then give me a willingness to offer these without need for repayment.  Fill me with kindness, even for strangers. Amen.

Apply it

Be alert to opportunities you have to share with those who are in need – both people in the church and in the society.  I wouldn’t be surprised if you already do some of this…what would it look like to be more proactive?  Does someone look like they’re in need?  Buy them lunch or a cup of coffee and find out their story.  Take the money you’d spend on yourself or your family and donate to a relief effort or the church food pantry.  Many of us host friends, relatives, and exchange students in our homes for brief stretches during the summer – think about this as Christian ministry!  And then go further to consider how your home or other possessions might continue to be shared.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hospitality used to be something I was hesitant about because I put too many conditions on myself. Is my house good/clean enough, do I cook well enough, what will we talk about?!? Finally I woke up in realizing these conditions were never part of my expectations for others. I enjoyed going into homes that were "lived" in, I loved watching the art of someone make dinner out of odds and ends. Of course, it never mattered what the house looked like! Once I allowed myself to quit worrying and simply enjoy the company of our guests hospitality became a joy. It is a time to really get to know others and realize that we are all human together. Open that door regardless of fears holding you back and let God take care of the rest.