Monday, June 16, 2014

Reading Revelation ... Chapter 22 (the final chapter)

June 16-22
Revelation 22:7-21
(week 12 of 12)
The “Amen” of John’s Revelation
Dr. Robert Wall

Suggestions for Daily Readings

  • 22:7-11
  • 22:12-13   Memorize & meditate
  • 22:14-17
  • 22:18-21

Coming Soon to a World Near You!

Last week we read about God’s work of creating a new heaven and new earth, along with a New Jerusalem.  We were inspired by the culminating picture of life as God intended – God on the throne, His light shining perpetually, the tree of life and living water providing for all needs.  This week we finish out the book of Revelation by taking a look at its epilogue.  Is this a let-down?  Perhaps.  Definitely a slow-down.  The Revelation roller coaster is now slowing down to a full stop, and we’re waiting until the safety check is complete before we can depart and appreciate our memories of the thrill ride.  With the safety check come a few stern warnings as we move off the ride: to worship the right object…God, not angels (v. 9), to live the right way in order to enter the new city and have the right to the tree of life (v. 14-15), and to preserve the right words of this prophetic letter…neither adding to them nor taking away from (v. 18-19).

But there is an inspirational theme to these closing remarks, words we can take with us, words that will keep the thrill of Revelation alive within and among us.  In these verses, Jesus, the exalted Lord of all, says over and over again:

“I am coming soon!”  Revelation 22:7, 12, 20

And we are given our words of response, the word to express our anticipation of Jesus’ return:

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. Revelation 22:17

To sum up our experience of the roller coaster, let all those of us who have read Revelation say to Jesus: Bring it on!  Or put another way in verse 20, we can say:

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!  Revelation 22:20

Questions for Application
  • What does it mean to you when you hear Jesus saying “I am coming soon?” 
    • Is his return something that you are looking forward to?  Avoiding? 
    • How do you experience the frustration of waiting for that great day?

  • How can the patterns of your daily life be shaped by the refrain “Come, Lord Jesus?”
    • How are you demonstrating to Jesus that you welcome his return? 
    • How might you?

As always, here are some general questions to reflect upon or discuss:

The Scene
What does the scene look like?  What stands out to you visually?  Revelation contains a strange mix of vision elements – some readily understood and others quite mysterious.  What do you understand?  What remains mysterious?

The Characters
Who are the living characters who appear in this scene?  What does the text tell you about them?  How do they interact with one another…what is the dramatic action?  What remains mysterious about them?

The Message
What do the characters do or say or sing?  If you were to summarize this in a word or phrase, how would you put it?  What remains unclear or mysterious with regard to a message in the text?

Words of Blessing

To paraphrase the final verse of Revelation…and the final verse in the Bible:

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all of you, for you are the saints to whom Jesus will be coming soon. Amen.


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