Monday, February 24, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... week 8 ... John 15-17

February 24, 2014
The Gospel of John
February 24 – March 2

John 15:1-17:26

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Reading suggestion:


Dr. Laura Sweat likens Jesus’ words to his disciples in these three chapters to a “Graduation Speech.”  What a compelling illustration!  Jesus is giving his friends a farewell speech, just before he is betrayed and led toward trial and execution.  If you ever wondered what Jesus thought was most important for his disciples to know, there’s a good chance that the revelation is in these words.  If you have access to a bible that features Jesus’ words in the color red, you’ll notice that this week’s readings are almost entirely that one, bright color.  It’s all about what Jesus wants to say to his disciples…and what he asks the Father when he prays for them.

Where We’ve Been…

Last week, in chapters 13 & 14, we entered the passion narrative, following Jesus and his disciples into the events of Holy Week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.  Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, predicted his betrayal & denial, gave a new commandment to love as he loves, revealed his future return, and promised the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Throughout these events, we listened in on Jesus speaking to his disciples words of challenge, guidance, and comfort.  As we read, we considered what Jesus is saying to us as his present-day disciples.

Where We’re Headed…

Jesus offers words of farewell, much like a graduation speech, to his disciples before heading to the cross.

·         Jesus claims to be the True Vine (John 15:1-11)

·         Jesus says his followers are no longer servants but friends if they love as he loved (John 15:12-17)

·         Jesus speaks to his friends about what it means to be hated by the world (John 15:18-16:4a)

·         Jesus gives more information about the Advocate (comforter/helper) who is the Spirit of truth (John 16:4b-15)

·         Jesus prepares his disciples for the grief of losing him, but reminds them that their sorrow will turn to joy (John 16:16-24)

·         Jesus claims to have conquered the world, news that should give peace and encouragement to his followers (John 16:25-33)

·         Jesus prays for his disciples, for their unity and their mission (John 17:1-26)

For each of these episodes, consider the following questions:

  • What does this encounter tell you about who Jesus is and what is important to him?
  • What does Jesus teach here about God the Father or the Holy Spirit?

  • What is Jesus communicating to his disciples?  How might Jesus be communicating these same things to you today?

  • What is one thing Jesus says to his disciples that I need to hear today, and share with others?

Here’s one major question for this entire section:

What inspiring word from Jesus’ “Graduation Speech” in John 15-17 will you take with you into your future?

Words of Blessing

Receive God’s love through Jesus… that you might love those who are unloved

Receive God’s peace through Jesus… that you might comfort the anxious of heart

Receive God’s commission to serve through Jesus… that you might be sent into the world inviting others to believe in the One who sends you.



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