Monday, February 24, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... week 8 ... John 15-17

February 24, 2014
The Gospel of John
February 24 – March 2

John 15:1-17:26

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Reading suggestion:


Dr. Laura Sweat likens Jesus’ words to his disciples in these three chapters to a “Graduation Speech.”  What a compelling illustration!  Jesus is giving his friends a farewell speech, just before he is betrayed and led toward trial and execution.  If you ever wondered what Jesus thought was most important for his disciples to know, there’s a good chance that the revelation is in these words.  If you have access to a bible that features Jesus’ words in the color red, you’ll notice that this week’s readings are almost entirely that one, bright color.  It’s all about what Jesus wants to say to his disciples…and what he asks the Father when he prays for them.

Where We’ve Been…

Last week, in chapters 13 & 14, we entered the passion narrative, following Jesus and his disciples into the events of Holy Week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.  Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, predicted his betrayal & denial, gave a new commandment to love as he loves, revealed his future return, and promised the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Throughout these events, we listened in on Jesus speaking to his disciples words of challenge, guidance, and comfort.  As we read, we considered what Jesus is saying to us as his present-day disciples.

Where We’re Headed…

Jesus offers words of farewell, much like a graduation speech, to his disciples before heading to the cross.

·         Jesus claims to be the True Vine (John 15:1-11)

·         Jesus says his followers are no longer servants but friends if they love as he loved (John 15:12-17)

·         Jesus speaks to his friends about what it means to be hated by the world (John 15:18-16:4a)

·         Jesus gives more information about the Advocate (comforter/helper) who is the Spirit of truth (John 16:4b-15)

·         Jesus prepares his disciples for the grief of losing him, but reminds them that their sorrow will turn to joy (John 16:16-24)

·         Jesus claims to have conquered the world, news that should give peace and encouragement to his followers (John 16:25-33)

·         Jesus prays for his disciples, for their unity and their mission (John 17:1-26)

For each of these episodes, consider the following questions:

  • What does this encounter tell you about who Jesus is and what is important to him?
  • What does Jesus teach here about God the Father or the Holy Spirit?

  • What is Jesus communicating to his disciples?  How might Jesus be communicating these same things to you today?

  • What is one thing Jesus says to his disciples that I need to hear today, and share with others?

Here’s one major question for this entire section:

What inspiring word from Jesus’ “Graduation Speech” in John 15-17 will you take with you into your future?

Words of Blessing

Receive God’s love through Jesus… that you might love those who are unloved

Receive God’s peace through Jesus… that you might comfort the anxious of heart

Receive God’s commission to serve through Jesus… that you might be sent into the world inviting others to believe in the One who sends you.



Monday, February 17, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... Week 7 of 11 ... Chs. 13 & 14

The Gospel of John
February 17-23

John 13:1-14:31

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Readings suggestion:


As we continue reading in John’s gospel, we’ve now entered the ramp-up to the passion narrative, the story of Jesus' death on the cross and the amazing events that happened after that.  This week we’re being transported into the heart of Holy Week, specifically, the events observed by the church on Maundy Thursday.  In John, the events of Holy Week, especially the Last Supper with his disciples in the upper room, are filled with Jesus’ words for his disciples – words of challenge, words of guidance, and words of comfort.
As you read, consider what Jesus is saying to YOU and your fellow disciples who you walk with in Christian community.

Where We’ve Been…

Last week we encountered two matters of life and death:

Life for Dead Lazarus - Jesus gets word of his friend’s death & risks his life to visit the family (12:1-16); Jesus reveals that he is the resurrection and the life (12:17-27); Jesus weeps for his friend, and raises Lazarus to life (12:28-44).

Death for the Living Son of Man - A plot to kill Jesus (11:45-57); Mary anoints Jesus (12:1-11); Jesus enters Jerusalem & speaks of his impending death (12:12-36); Many didn’t believe in Jesus; nevertheless, many did believe (12:37-50).

What did you discover about who Jesus is?  What do you appreciate most about how Jesus related to others in friendship?  How meaningful is it to you that when hearing of his friend Lazarus’ death, “Jesus wept?”  Why do you think Jesus seemed to be okay with the idea of his upcoming death, even though he had demonstrated he had power over death?

Where We’re Headed…

Explore John's unique portrayal of Jesus & His disciples in the upper room: 

  1. Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet (13:1-20)
  2. Jesus Predicts Betrayal & Denial (13:21-30, 36-38)
  3. Jesus Gives His Disciples a New Commandment – Love One Another as I Have Loved You (13:31-35)
  4. Jesus Comforts His Disciples by Speaking of Future Reunion, Revealing Himself as the Way, Truth, and Life (14:1-14)
  5. Jesus Promises the Presence of the Holy Spirit (14:15-31)

 For each of these episodes, consider the following questions:

  • What does this encounter tell you about who Jesus is and what is important to him?

  • What does Jesus teach here about God the Father or the Holy Spirit?

  • What is Jesus communicating to his disciples?  How might Jesus be communicating these same things to you today?

  • What is one thing Jesus says to his disciples that you need to hear today, and share with others?

Words of Blessing

Let Jesus love you.
Allow him to wash your feet, to touch your life at a deep and personal level. 
Allow his death to be for you.
Receive His commandment to love others as he has loved you.
Receive the Holy Spirit sent in His name.
Receive His peace.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid" (14:27)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... Week 6 of 11 ... John 11-12

The Gospel of John
February 10-16

John 11:1 – 12:50

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Readings suggestion:


Where We’ve Been…

Last week we encountered

·         Jesus intervening on behalf of a woman caught in adultery (8:7 “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.”)

·         Jesus claiming to be the Light of the World (8:12-13 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”)

·         Jesus revealing more about his divine nature (8:58-59 Jesus said “Before Abraham was, I am”…so they picked up stones to throw at him.  In 10:30-31 Jesus said “The Father & I are one”…so the Jews took up stones again to stone him.)

·         Jesus healing a man born blind and revealing himself as the Good Shepherd and the Gate for the sheep (10:4 “the sheep follow him because they know his voice…”)

Following the pattern of reflection/discussion question laid down in last week’s post, consider these questions based on your encounter with Jesus in John’s gospel:
  • What did these encounters tell you about who Jesus is?
  • How have you or might you experience this Jesus in the present day?
  • Who do you know who might need to know this aspect of Jesus?  Why, and what might Jesus do for them?  Pray for them.

Where We’re Headed…

Life for Dead Lazarus
Jesus gets word of his friend’s death & risks his life to visit the family (12:1-16)
Jesus reveals that he is the resurrection and the life (12:17-27)
Jesus weeps for his friend, and raises Lazarus to life (12:28-44)

  • What does this encounter tell you about Jesus?  What does it show about the way Jesus relates to his friends?  What does it show about Jesus’ power over death? 
  • How have you or might you experience this Jesus in the present day?
  • Who do you know who might need to know this aspect of Jesus?  Why, and what might Jesus do for them?  Lift them up to the Lord, for him to fill them with his life.

Death for the Living Son of Man
A plot to kill Jesus (11:45-57)
Mary anoints Jesus (12:1-11)
Jesus enters Jerusalem & speaks of his impending death (12:12-36)
Many didn’t believe in Jesus; nevertheless, many did believe (12:37-50)

  • What do these texts tell you about who Jesus is?  More specifically, what do you think of the increasing emphasis on Jesus’ death?  Why is the story unfolding in this way?  How do you feel as you read it?
  • What relevance do these words have for your present-day life?
  • What relevance might they have for someone you know who doesn’t yet know Jesus?

Words of Blessing

May Jesus fill you with his life, calling you forth from the ways of death and securing for you an existence into eternity. Amen.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... Week 5... John 7:53-10:42

The Gospel of John
February 3-9

John 7:53-10:42

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Readings suggestion:


Where We’ve Been…

Jesus’ Authority
Last week we read about Jesus’ authority…Jesus demonstrating it, people questioning it, and Jesus responding to those questions.  What do you think of Jesus “making himself equal to God by calling God his own father” (5:18)? 

Here are some additional questions and thoughts to take you deeper:
  • Jesus is a human being claiming to be uniquely close to the father God…in words that make it sound like he actually is God.  Were you offended, or could you understand why the Jewish authorities would be offended…or threatened…by Jesus’ claims?
  • Furthermore, Jesus begins to claim that to dishonor him is to dishonor the father God who sent him…isn’t that an abrupt/unfair cutting off of all potential criticism?
  • It can be a challenge for us to put ourselves in the place of people who didn’t already have the belief that Jesus was God’s Son.  How shocked would you have been by Jesus’ statements?  Do you think any people you know would be shocked to read what Jesus is saying here?

Jesus’ Compassion
We also read about Jesus feeding the 5,000 in chapter 6.  What was your favorite part of the story? What do you think about Jesus' claim to be “the bread of life” (6:35)?  What does it mean to you personally?

Looking Ahead…

Jesus & the Woman Caught in Adultery
8:7 “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone”
  • What does this episode tell you about who Jesus is?
  • How have you or might you experience this aspect of Jesus in the present day?
  • Who do you know who might need to know this aspect of Jesus?  Why, and what might Jesus do for them?
Jesus, the Light of the World
8:12-13 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”  Then the Pharisees said…”your testimony is not valid.”
  • What do these words tell you about who Jesus is?
  • How have you or might you experience Jesus in this way in the present day?
  • Who do you know who might need to know this aspect of Jesus?  Why, and what might Jesus do for them?

More of Jesus revealing his divine nature
8:58-59  ... Jesus said “Before Abraham was, I am”…So they picked up stones to throw at him.  10:30-31 ... Jesus said “The Father & I are one.” The Jews took up stones again to stone him.
  • What does this tell you about who Jesus is?
  • How have you or might you experience Jesus in this way in the present day?
  • Who do you know who might need to know this aspect of Jesus?  Why, and what might Jesus do for them?

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind…and reveals himself as the Good Shepherd and the Gate for the sheep
10:4 “the sheep follow him because they know his voice…”
  • What does this tell you about who Jesus is?
  • How have you or might you experience this aspect of Jesus in the present day?
  • Who do you know who might need to know this aspect of Jesus?  Why, and what might Jesus do for them?

A key question we encounter in John's gospel is "Who is Jesus?"
Check out this interview of five Seattle Seahawks prior to their Super Bowl win...they're talking about this very question!

Short version

Long version

Words of Blessing

Jesus is your shepherd, your trusted guide who leads you into life, abundant and eternal.  He knows your name.  Respond to his voice and follow him.  Amen.