Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 12 ... Isaiah 56-62 ... A Return to Righteousness and Justice

I took a week off from the blog last week...Many of you read chapters 53-55, and took a look at some of these great passages:

  • 53:4-6 ... The suffering servant: powerful words that for Christians describe and define Jesus' suffering and death on the cross.
  • 54:7-8 ... A compelling description of the break-up and reuniting of the relationship between the LORD and his people.
  • 55:6-13 ... A call to seek the Lord and understand His sovereignty and the effectiveness of His word.
This week the reading is Isaiah 56-62
As you read, keep the eyes of your heart open and connect what you're reading to your God-given imagination.  You'll expand your vision of God's work of redemption in the world...
  • Your vision of a Restored Jerusalem
  • Your vision of God’s Kingdom
  • Your vision of a Godly life
  • Your vision of Mission & the transformation of the world
Key Passages
  • Isaiah 58.  True worship, or what God really wants from us…
  • Isaiah 60:1-5. Arise, shine, for your light has come!
  • Isaiah 61. Good news for the poor & broken-hearted
Think of the four words associated with candles of the Advent wreath: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love.  Where do you see these in the readings?  Where do you see them in God's work in the world?  In your life?

Hey!  Join me at 11am at church this Sunday - we'll be studying how Handel set Isaiah 60:1-3 to music in his Messiah.  He really got the picture of the dramatic scene of the coming of God's light into the darkness that Isaiah proclaimed!

Pastor Kurt Helmcke

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