Monday, November 12, 2012

ISAIAH Week 8: Chapters 34-39 - Zion's Final Destiny

This week's chapters are the last in the first major section of Isaiah.  If you're like me, your energy for reading Isaiah might be getting a little low right about now.  I've got good news for you - things are going to change for the better next week!  That's because we get into Isaiah 40 and beyond, the part of Isaiah that is more familiar to most of us and more easy to read.  And let's face it, there's something special about Isaiah 40 (if you haven't read it yet, you'll just have to take my word for it this week). 

It would be easy to sit this one out.  But if we did that, we would miss one of the great Advent chapters of the Bible, Isaiah 35.  Do you like hope and joy?  This chapter will inspire you!  If you only read one chapter this week, make sure it's this one.

And we wouldn't want to miss out on the inspiring story of a praying man...who just happened to be a king named Hezekiah.  He prayed a couple of prayers with great faith, and his song of thanksgiving to God expresses his joy when God answered those prayers.  Reading chapters 37-39 is an opportunity to grow in prayer.

Breaking it down to four readings
  1. Isaiah 34-35 *Must Read Isaiah 35 (And the ransomed of the Lord will return...with everlasting joy)
  2. Isaiah 36
  3. Isaiah 37 *Must Read Isaiah 37:14-20 (Hezekiah's prayer for salvation)
  4. Isaiah 38-39 *Must Read Isaiah 38 (Hezekiah's prayer for healing from a deadly sickness, and his song of thanksgiving)
Bo Lim's Commentary
Be sure to read Bo's teaching on Chapters 34-35: "A Nightmare and a Dream"

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