Monday, March 31, 2014

Reading Revelation - The Prologue 1:1-8

Revelation 1:1-8
March 31-April 6

Read Dr. Bob Wall's commentary
Prologue to Scripture’s Conclusion (Revelation 1:1–8)


From Pastor Kurt:

Reading Plan:
Day One - Revelation 1:1-3
Day Two - Revelation 1:4-6
Day Three - Repeat Revelation 1:4-6
Day Four - Revelation 1:7
Day Five - Revelation 1:8

Only 8 verses this first week, but they are packed with depth of meaning.  Many of us at North Creek are in the midst of a sermon study series during Lent 2014 titled "Undead."  Do you see a connection to this theme in chapter 1 verse 5?  Jesus is described as "the firstborn of the dead."  Jesus is the first of many to be undead!

Reflect on these verses:
  • Verse 5. "Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth..."

  • Verses 5-6. "To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

  • Verse 7. "Look! He is coming with the clouds; every eye will see him..."

Memorize & Meditate:
Revelation 1:8

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

Monday, March 17, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... Week 11 of 11 ... John 21

March 17, 2014
The Gospel of John
March 17 - 23

John 21

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Reading suggestion:


Be sure to read Dr. Laura Sweat’s commentary on this chapter.  Jesus has died and risen from the dead, and has appeared to his disciples and commissioned them to continue his ministry…what’s more to tell?   John 21 sums up some important points about Jesus’ identity, and includes a playful story of reconciliation and ministry calling.

Where We’ve Been…

Mary Magdalene, then Peter and the other disciple, discover the empty tomb (John 20:1-10); Jesus appears to Mary in the garden…and she recognizes him when he calls her by name (John 20:11-18); and Jesus appears to his disciples in a locked room, giving them a commission and the Holy Spirit, later helping Thomas through his doubts about the resurrection (John 20:19-31).

Where We’re Headed…

·         Jesus appears to his disciples in Galilee, while they are fishing (Peter, without his clothes on!), and Jesus makes them breakfast (John 21:1-14).

·         Jesus give instructions to Peter to feed his sheep, offering Peter a chance to profess his love for Jesus three times (John 21:15-19).

·         A final story and note about the beloved disciple who wrote the gospel (John 21:20-25).

For each of these episodes, consider the following questions:

  • What does this encounter tell you about who Jesus is and what is important to him?

  • What is Jesus communicating to his disciples?  How might Jesus be communicating these same things to you today?

  • What is one thing Jesus says to his disciples that I need to hear today, and share with others?

Here’s one major question from this entire section:

Take a close look at Peter’s response to Jesus’ question, “do you love me?”  Do you love Jesus?  How do you (or might you) demonstrate this love?

Words of Blessing

May you have the enthusiasm of Simon Peter in your relationship with Jesus, responding to Jesus words of love with joyful faith.



Monday, March 10, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... Week 10 ... John 20

March 10, 2014
The Gospel of John
March 10 - 16

John 20

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Reading suggestion:


It’s all about seeing and perceiving rightly.  Dr. Laura Sweat uses the illustration of the Harvard psychology experiment known as “The Invisible Gorilla” to help us understand that it’s possible for us to miss seeing what is there or not there in a scene.  John 20 portrays three encounters after Jesus was buried in a tomb: Mary Magdalene discovers an empty tomb, then encounters (the gardener?) Jesus in the garden, and Jesus meets his disciples in a room and gives them the Holy Spirit.  In each case notice what these people see or don’t see…and what they see or do not see through the eyes of faith.  How easy it is to miss seeing the risen Jesus, even though he is right there in our midst!  But how great is God’s gift of faith, which helps us to gradually perceive his presence and see our relationship rightly.

Where We’ve Been…

Last week we read about Jesus trial, suffering, and death on a cross.  It was dark, but it wasn’t the end of the story.  Jesus was betrayed and arrested, Peter denied Jesus three times, and Jesus was placed on trial and sentenced to death.  From the place of trial he was taken to “The Place of the Skull,” where he was crucified and gave up his spirit, and then his body taken down from the cross and buried in a tomb by Joseph and Nicodemus.

Where We’re Headed…

·         Mary Magdalene, then Peter and the other disciple, discover the empty tomb (John 20:1-10)

·         Jesus appears to Mary in the garden…and she recognizes him when he calls her by name (John 20:11-18)

·         Jesus then appears to his disciples in a locked room, giving them a commission and the Holy Spirit, later helping Thomas through his doubts about the resurrection (John 20:19-31)

For each of these episodes, consider the following questions:

  • What does this encounter tell you about who Jesus is and what is important to him?
  • What does Jesus teach here about God the Father or the Holy Spirit?

  • What is Jesus communicating to his disciples?  How might Jesus be communicating these same things to you today?

  • What is one thing Jesus says to his disciples that I need to hear today, and share with others?

Here’s one major question from this entire section:

Look closer at the characters of Mary Magdalene and Thomas and their encounters with the risen Jesus.  Which person do you identify with the most, and why?

Words of Blessing

Receive these words spoken to you by the risen Jesus in John 20:21-22  ---

Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me, so I send you.
(Jesus breathing his breath of eternal, abundant life into you says)
Receive the Holy Spirit.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Reading John's Gospel ... Week 9 ... John 18 & 19

March 3, 2014
The Gospel of John
March 3 – 9

John 18:1 – 19:42

By Dr. Laura Sweat

Daily Reading suggestion:


In these two chapters we find the familiar story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus, followed by Jesus’ arrest, trial, crucifixion and burial.  Much of what we read here parallels the three synoptic gospels, but Dr. Laura Sweat points out some interesting differences in how Jesus is portrayed.  John’s account emphasizes
  • Jesus’ foreknowledge and control
  • Jesus’ kingship
  • Jesus’ death as a new Passover Lamb
  • Jesus’ formation of a new community

Where We’ve Been…

Last week, in chapters 15-17, we listened in on Jesus’ farewell address to his disciples in the upper room.  We heard him claim to be the true vine and encourage his disciples to abide (remain) in him.  He told his followers that they were no longer servants but friends, and leveled with them that the world might hate them because of this close association.  Jesus prepared his disciples for their upcoming grief and loss, but he also encouraged them with the bold claim that he had conquered the world.  And then Jesus prayed for his disciples that they be unified and faithful in their mission of love.  After listening in on this intimate conversation, we considered the inspiring word from Jesus’ “graduation speech” that we would take with us into our futures.

Where We’re Headed…

At the end of this week’s passage, Jesus is dead and buried (notice that there are two more chapters…his death is not the end of the story!).  Here’s how the story unfolds on the way to the cross and tomb:
  • Jesus is betrayed and arrested (John 18:1-14)
  • Peter denies Jesus three times, even as the high priest questions Jesus (John 18:15-27)
  • Jesus is taken to Pilate’s headquarters where the main trial takes place, resulting in a death sentence (John 18:28-19:16)
  • Jesus is crucified at “The Place of the Skull,” where he gives up his spirit (John 19:17-30)
  • Jesus’ side is pierced rather than his legs broken so that scripture might be fulfilled, and his body is buried in the garden tomb by Joseph and Nicodemus (!) (John 19:31-42)

For each of these episodes, consider the following questions:
  • What does this encounter tell you about who Jesus is and what is important to him?

  • What does Jesus teach here about God the Father or the Holy Spirit?

  • What is Jesus communicating by his words and his actions?  What are the other characters (Peter, Pilate, Joseph, the crowd, etc.) communicating by theirs?  What relevance do these words and actions have for you today?

  • How does it make you feel to read of Jesus’ suffering, death, and burial?  If you feel sorrow, return to 16:16-24 for encouragement.

Words of Blessing

May the same divine love that kept Jesus moving toward the cross fill your heart to overflowing.  Beloved child of God, Jesus walked that lonesome road for you.
